5 Healthy Hair Habits That You Can Implement Now

By Hazel & Blondie
When we think of healthy hair and the best way to achieve it, we are automatically drawn to think about haircare products.  But what if I told you there are several things you can do, right now, for healthier hair and not spend a cent.
There's something about full and luscious hair, that screams good health. And that's perhaps, because a good healthy scalp and healthy hair is a sign that things are well within.  You see, when the body has nutritional deficiencies or is dehydrated, it is fairly quick to show up in your hair. Lack luster locks are letting you know that there's something your body is not happy about.

Tip #1 - Stay Hydrated

Hydration really is key.  Drinking enough water each day will help the strength of your hair and increase growth.  Water hydrates our body, regulates our circulatory system and lubricates our hair follicles.  Much like a plant needs water to grow, so does hair.  Water is a key ingredient that supports the uptake of vitamins, which contribute to your hair health.  So, get drinking! 

Tip #2 - Avoid Brushing Wet Hair

Be gentle with wet hair.  Wet hair is weaker, more fragile and prone to breakage.  Brush hair out dry, before shampooing and conditioning, and if you must remove knots out of wet hair, we recommend using a smooth, wide tooth comb and working your way up from ends to root to detangle.  Be kind to your hair always, but especially when its wet.

Tip #3 - Turn The Heat Down

Styling your hair with heat can dry out fibers and lead to porous hair.  Using heat styling too often or at high temperatures can make your hair prone to damage.  To reduce heat damage, we recommend turning down the temp dial on your hair dryer or irons, keeping your distance with the blow dryer, holding it at about 15cms away and keeping the blow dryer moving continuously can also help reduce damage.  Or, why not go natural? Embrace heat-free hair styles and allow your hairs natural texture and style to take hold.

Tip #4 - Sleep Your Way to Healthy Hair

Beauty sleep is actually a thing!  Your sleep hygiene can effect the health of your hair.  We all know sleep is vital for a number of reasons, but did you know that healthy hair is one of those reasons?  Poor sleep quality can lead to a number of things, including stress, poor immune system, reduced or fluctuating energy levels, and hormonal imbalance.  Sleep deprivation can effect the bodies ability to repair and regenerate, which in turn, can influence hair growth.  Stress is also a major culprit in poor hair health, and so are hormones, which are greatly affected by stress.  Hormones are major players in the hair health game, and heavily involved in your hair strength, condition, texture, and shine!  Something to add to your list of great reasons to get enough quality shut eye!

Tip #5 - Eat Well

Good nutrition is so important for healthy hair.  This one requires an entire blog post of its own (and perhaps a guest blogger) to really get into the nitty gritties.  However, lets just say that getting all of your vital nutrients play such an important role in the health, condition, strength, length, growth and texture of your hair, and the health of your scalp.  A balanced diet, that is nutrient dense will have you seeing your way to better hair, skin, sleep and energy.  

There are many factors that come into play when it comes to healthy hair and scalp.  Start with these 5 tips and you'll find your mane will be more lust worthy in no time!

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